Career & Technical Education (CTE)
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department offers 16 Career Pathway choices for students to choose from. These choices are not a permanent commitment. If a student decides they want to change their career pathway, they need to discuss it with their counselor to adjust future course selections in accordance with the new career direction.
Career Clusters
The Texas Education Agency has identified 16 career clusters for students to choose from. These pathways are board areas of study which are flexible, overlapping in nature and allow students to change as new knowledge and experiences are acquired.
Using the student's career interests and aptitude information, the counselor and student will develop a graduation plan in one of the following pathways. You can find more information here.
Grading Guidelines
- The student will have one opportunity to improve any cumulative test or project grade 69 or below.
- This will be accomplished by completing a test or project covering the same objective/skill.
- After the original test is returned to the student, the student will have “two school days” to request the reassessment. The student must return the original graded test to the teacher.
- The due date for the assignment or the retake of the test will be determined by the teacher.
- The higher grade of the two “tests/projects” will be recorded with a passing grade of 70 being the maximum number of points earned. (example: if a student receives a grade of 70 or above on the retake, a grade of 70 will be recorded)
- Secondary Grading Guidelines