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Edgenuity is an online program used by students enrolled in the REACH program that allows for students to recover credits and complete IGC projects. 

How Do I Get to Edgenuity?

To access Edgenuity, you must use Google Chrome.

When in Chrome, you will go to Edgenuity (

Login Progression for Edgenuity:

Google Chrome > > Community - Students > Edgenuity > Students

User Name:


Credit Recovery Login | Edgenuity

First Four Letters of First Name, Full Last Name 

Example: jimjones or jimjones-johnson

IGC Project Login | Edgenuity

First Four Letters of First Name, Full Last Name 

Example: jimjones or jimjones-johnson


For Both Credit Recovery and IGC Projects - Edgenuity

ID/Lunch #

Example: 123456 

If students have any problems logging into their Edgenuity account, contact Ms. Kimberly Caldwell at 

Browser Requirements

Students must use Google Chrome as Edgenuity does not work correctly on other platforms.