Edgenuity is an online program used by students enrolled in the REACH program that allows for students to recover credits and complete IGC projects.
How Do I Get to Edgenuity?
To access Edgenuity, you must use Google Chrome.
When in Chrome, you will go to Edgenuity (tcisd.org/community/students/edgenuity)
Login Progression for Edgenuity:
Google Chrome > tcisd.org > Community - Students > Edgenuity > Students
User Name:
Credit Recovery Login | Edgenuity
First Four Letters of First Name, Full Last Name
Example: jimjones or jimjones-johnson
IGC Project Login | Edgenuity
First Four Letters of First Name, Full Last Name
Example: jimjones or jimjones-johnson
For Both Credit Recovery and IGC Projects - Edgenuity
ID/Lunch #
Example: 123456
If students have any problems logging into their Edgenuity account, contact Ms. Kimberly Caldwell at kcaldwell@tcisd.org.
Browser Requirements
Students must use Google Chrome as Edgenuity does not work correctly on other platforms.